The Role of the Constitutional Court of Georgia in Protecting Constitutional Human Rights and Freedoms
constitutional oversight, human rightsAbstract
In line with the Constitution of Georgia, constitutional oversight is executed by a specially established entity—the Constitutional Court of Georgia. This Court serves as a guardian of fundamental human rights and freedoms. Through the submission of individual constitutional complaints to the Constitutional Court, individuals are afforded a mechanism to advocate for their rights. Consequently, the individual constitutional complaint represents a critical legal tool aimed at providing effective legal protection and upholding the Constitution. While there are numerous issues concerning the nuances of constitutional proceedings in the context of individual constitutional complaints, many of these issues remain inadequately explored. Thus, the objective of this article is to examine the prevailing challenges associated with the Constitutional Court of Georgia's role in safeguarding human constitutional rights and freedoms. It seeks to uncover the unique aspects of proceedings involving individual constitutional complaints, scrutinize existing theoretical dilemmas, and present resolved viewpoints.
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