The Role and Importance of the Claim Institution in Civil Litigation


  • Eter Topchishvili Grigol Robakidze University



Civil litigation, Claim institution


This article addresses the crucial role played by the institution of claims within the context of civil litigation. A court is not empowered to commence proceedings of its own accord; it requires an interested party to present a claim or petition, through which the disputant delineates the matter at issue. This underscores the principle of dispositionality, which affords individuals the autonomy to decide whether to initiate a claim or application. In contemporary society, the mechanism of lawsuits serves as a vital means for safeguarding rights and lawful interests. The paper delves into pivotal aspects such as the nature and definition of a claim, its constituent elements, and its various types—confessional, attributive, and transformative claims. Additionally, it examines the right to lodge a claim, the principle of dispositionality, the burden of proof, notification of a claim, and the potential for settlement.

Author Biography

Eter Topchishvili, Grigol Robakidze University

PhD Student


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