Small and medium business Stimulus Mechanisms


  • Lasha Narsia



small and medium business, Competitiveness, Decentralization, Startup, Market, Entrepreneurship


The article discusses the problems facing small and medium-sized businesses in modern conditions, especially in the context of the negative consequences caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The experience of developed countries in supporting small and medium-sized businesses is presented. Statistical data on the activities of entities registered in Georgia in the organizational legal form are analyzed. A survey was conducted with the involvement of representatives of small and medium businesses. The results of the research are analyzed and specific recommendations are given based on them. Risk factors are identified and evaluated. Development potentials include free zones, technology parks and business incubators as tools to promote the development of new, sustainable enterprises at the local level. The Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), the use of opportunities are recognized as key factors in improving the business climate in the country, promoting startups, and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises not only in national and regional but also global markets. In conclusion, specific recommendations are given, the practical implementation of which we think will contribute to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the country.


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How to Cite

Lasha Narsia. (2022). Small and medium business Stimulus Mechanisms. KREBSI, (12-13).

