Vazha-Pshavela’s and K. Gamsakhurdia's characters according to Lawrence Kohlberg’s moral development theory
Obedience to fear, Moral dilemmas, autonomous moralsAbstract
The article presents an innovative method of characterization of literary characters. It is known that the moral attitudes and the process of their formation equally raises the interest of psychologists and writers, which gives an absolute freedom to use psychological-philosophical theory for opening the character of literary characters. Moral development theory of American philosopher Lawrence Kohlberg is used for a new purpose in this work, which is the main novelty of the article. Literary character is assessed according to Kohlberg’s stages of moral development and is defined to which level it is relevant according to Kohlberg’s developed scale. Famous characters of two well-known Georgian writers Vazha-Pshavela and K. Gamsakhurdia have been selected for observation. The article is based on two articles already published by the author, which follows: ”Concept of Freedom and characters of Vazha-Pshavela” and “Jacob wrestling with God”, As a prototype of Constantine Arsakidze In K. Gamsakhurdia's historical novel “The right hand of the Great master".
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ეროვნული სასწავლო გეგმა, ქართული ენა და ლიტერატურა, საბაზო საფეხურის სტანდარტი
ფსიქოლოგია, ლოურენს კოლბერგი